Claire Steinmann, B.A., M.Arch.
Claire was born in Calgary, has travelled extensively and has developed a strong sensibility about the spaces in which people desire to live. Her academic studies, worldly experiences and strong desire to create beautiful spaces shape the work she does. Claire, the principal of DESIGNhaus, has extensive experience in residential design, particularly in the redevelopment of inner city homes built between the 1950’s and 1970’s. Having gutted, redesigned and transformed over fifty houses of wide-ranging differences, DESIGNhaus and it’s associates are a powerful resource for anyone embarking on a true adventure based on the parameters of utility and beauty.
Claire studied for eight years at the post secondary level, ultimately achieving a Master’s Degree in Architecture from the Faculty of Environmental Design, University of Calgary. The architecture of such exciting environments as Barcelona, Berlin, Los Angeles and Chicago as well as the brave new face of design in Calgary has influenced her work. Claire takes great pride in her designs, believing that they become the foundation for great living.